Authors |
Petrov Dmitriy Evgenievich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of state and law theory, Saratov State Law Academy (1 Volskaya street, Saratov, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Scientific development of the question of the method of legal regulation is directly related to improving the efficiency of legal regulation and, accordingly, increasing the role of law in implementation of policies, objectives and functions of the state. The purpose of the work is to analyze the relationship category “the method of legal regulation” with the adjacent category “ways of legal regulation”.
Results. The author analyzed points of view, available in legal science, on the issue of correlation of the categories “the method of legal regulation” and “ways of legal regulation”, criticized judgments that identify the said categories, considered correlation vectors thereof.
Conclusions. The category of the method of legal regulation should be applied to characterize the regulatory impact of different legal entities in public relations. Ways of legal regulation is a primary, source element of legal matter, and the method is a derived instrument therefrom. Differentiation of legal regulation in branches of law can not be characterized only by mandatory, discretionary, incentive or recommendation legal regulation. The value of the theoretical model of the legal system consists in showing how legal regulation is differentiated depending on the areas of public relations.
Key words |
method of legal regulation, ways of legal regulation, branch of law, differentiation, legal system.
References |
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